
Vanderbijlpark topographic map

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Vanderbijlpark is situated on the highveld of South Africa, at an altitude of 1,500 meters on the banks of the Vaal River. Summers in the city are warm to hot with an average high between 31 and 35°C, and an average low between 15 and 22°C. Winters in the city are cool to warm with an average high of between 18 and 23°C and an average low of between −1 and 5°C.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Vanderbijlpark topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Vanderbijlpark, Emfuleni Local Municipality, Sedibeng District Municipality, Gauteng, 1911, South Africa (-26.74689 27.79627 -26.66689 27.87627)

Average elevation: 1,474 m

Minimum elevation: 1,421 m

Maximum elevation: 1,525 m

Other topographic maps

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